Monday, August 2, 2010

The Cloud to get a Code of Conduct

The feedback is in on the Cloud Industry Forum (CIF)’s draft code of conduct for cloud service providers. More than 200 organisations fed back on the guidelines that cover governance, transparency, capability and accountability and seek to validate those providers offering services in the cloud. The opinion was overwhelming in favour of an official code of practice. 89% said that having a code of practice would benefit both the IT industry and end users. And 20% felt the long-term success of the cloud could only result from confidence in the security of data stored online.

The final version of the code of practice will be launched in October this year. Whether companies will be rushing to sign up is difficult to predict. Tough economic conditions mean that providers are looking for differentiation and organisations are looking for guarantees. To date many of those who have embraced the cloud are working with trusted technology advisors rather than unknown consultants. However as the use of the cloud becomes more widespread, there’ll be an influx of providers offering to help. Organisations will be looking for some badge of confidence before putting their data and reputations at risk online. As ambitious as many organisations are about reaching the cloud they’ll want their feet on the ground.

Check out the Code of Practice at

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謝翁穎翰毓珍 said...
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